Today marks the day that we officially rebrand to Studio Innate.
This is the story of how we’ve grown from trading as a single freelancer, through to a lean and eager brand experience studio.
Roughly a decade ago now, I took to the industry offering myself as a freelancer. From helping lots of different agencies I got to witness many successes, and many failures — all providing an invaluable insight into the mechanics of a design agency.

It wasn’t long until I got the bug for working with clients directly. With the assistance of fellow pals and freelancers in my network (most notably Gordon) a small team took form, which soon became a very appealing secret weapon to a few agencies I was freelancing for. However, working through crowded agencies meant communication was getting tangled up. What’s worse, is this was negatively impacting the work.
All whilst this was happening, I was getting a good taste for how much more we could offer when dealing with our clients directly. So naturally I decided to shift the focus.

Slowly but surely, we’d outgrown our solo consultant’ appearance. We became more confident, tougher, and began to attract like-minded independent businesses. More and more people found their way to us with bigger opportunities. Not only did we get a huge kick out of the achievements we were now seeing our clients receive, our clients seemed to like who we’d become, and what we could now offer. But for new clients, it was becoming confusing. Time to invest some of our brand strategy and positioning on ourself.
Time for a rebrand.